Posted by : heavenly A'rc Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

Now I kind of regret that I bought the old version of Yuki Miku, the new one Snow Playtime got something extra…Miku Ice Tray! Seriously >v<. I stumbled upon this blog called MIKATAN’S BLOG where the blog narrate various thing that you can do with the ice tray. You can go there to feast your eyes further( I just gonna make it simple for the site). Feel free to click on the more tag to of course read more!

Nice right? Apparently if you use only tap water it will turn out like this….

Not very much Miku alike eh?? Well use you head! You can also use many thing beside normal water such as…

Coffee Jelly! and also

Chocolate Miku!! Kinda feel bad to eat it though =w=
Interested? Well you could go to Wonfest and Winter festival at Sapporo and bought it(Wonfest) but that had passed and not to mention its in Japan hahaha, you could pre-order it online although its only until 13/02/2011 which is next Sunday O.O!!!
Well for more information you could just go and visit the GOOD SMILE COMPANY SITE for Yuki Miku.
But I should warned ya…they will NOT ship outside of Japan.
Yeah, seriously. Well I sure hope they will put it on Play-Asia or somewhere online, and also of course with the ice tray included among other thing.
And by the way, remember I mentioned various Miku figurine in Wonfest 2011? I will show one to you, please feel free to visit for more info!

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