Archive for Februari 2011

Yuki Miku Snow Playtime edition got something extra for you…^v^

By : heavenly A'rc
Now I kind of regret that I bought the old version of Yuki Miku, the new one Snow Playtime got something extra…Miku Ice Tray! Seriously >v<. I stumbled upon this blog called MIKATAN’S BLOG where the blog narrate various thing that you can do with the ice tray. You can go there to feast your eyes further( I just gonna make it simple for the site). Feel free to click on the more tag to of course read more!

Nice right? Apparently if you use only tap water it will turn out like this….

Not very much Miku alike eh?? Well use you head! You can also use many thing beside normal water such as…

Coffee Jelly! and also

Chocolate Miku!! Kinda feel bad to eat it though =w=
Interested? Well you could go to Wonfest and Winter festival at Sapporo and bought it(Wonfest) but that had passed and not to mention its in Japan hahaha, you could pre-order it online although its only until 13/02/2011 which is next Sunday O.O!!!
Well for more information you could just go and visit the GOOD SMILE COMPANY SITE for Yuki Miku.
But I should warned ya…they will NOT ship outside of Japan.
Yeah, seriously. Well I sure hope they will put it on Play-Asia or somewhere online, and also of course with the ice tray included among other thing.
And by the way, remember I mentioned various Miku figurine in Wonfest 2011? I will show one to you, please feel free to visit for more info!


By : heavenly A'rc
I am so sorry for the delay for chapter 10, but I have good reason! I finished the chapter days ago, but I accidentally deleted the draft that I was going to post. Not to mention the bad things that happens to me, T_T, I saved money for the trip for the concert(you know what I meant) only to find my university schedule doesnt permit to do so. My Yuki Miku Nendoroid head broke, so yeah I was pretty much in the slump for a few day. But now I m back, and ready to start a new chapter. For now, please enjoy the new chapter! I wouldnt posting a picture as usual, but a good song from Rin (not related to the fanfic though). So here you go. Credit to oberssa and the author for creating such wonderful song.

“Oww! Not so hard,” I flinched each time Yue applied some medicine that we found back stages.
Its common sense to put safety first, and work behind the stage usually has risk of accidents. Good thing that reckless Kei abide by the rules.
“Aki-kun, are you alright?!”
Miku was standing three feet away from me, looking as troubled and concerned as ever. She looks like she about to burst to tears any moment now.
“Nah, its okay. Just some minor bruises and bump,” I said, waving my arm on the air, “see? Nothing I can’t handle.” Yue coughs a little, and smirked at me. What?
“Ahh….that’s a relief,” Miku let out a small sigh. Her eyes were fixed on the scattered instruments due to my crash. She clenched her hand tightly around her chest and turned her back on me.
Stop it. This current gloomy Miku doesn’t fit you one bit. I said I am alright. If anything, I am more concerned about you, Miku. If it wasn’t for you shielding me from that ferocious bolt earlier, I would have been turned to dust.  It’s a wonder though, that she only end up with the same minor injuries as me.
“Haah,” a sigh came from Gackt who was sitting lazily on a stage chair, “this is the weirdest night I have ever been through since the last time I got wasted. Wait till the guys at the studio heard about this. Not they ‘re going to believe me anyway.”
Oi, oi! Gackt is having a character change and being melancholic here. Well, can’t blame him though. I too am tired by all the stuff that kept on happening tonight. Numerous weird encounters one after another, and whatever just happened earlier was clearly the final bomb to any common sense that I have left. Crazy teens with super powers, exploding bolts, hysterical music and crowds.  Ahhh, I am totally beat.
“Stop whining, and let me patch you up, Gackt-sama,”said Luka who was kneeling beside Gackt. A half done bandage on Gackt’s left arm covered a wound that seems to be caused from a cut.
“Well, I guess this wasn’t so bad after all…Oww!” Gackt squealed as Luka tighten the bandage. Heh, these two will never change.
“Hey, Gackt. Thanks for watching out for my sister earlier.”
“Errrr, what?” said Gackt, confused.
“Well, when we were separated, I saw the rest of the girl band heading toward you way.  Since one can do much damage, and Yue here is unscathed, I guess I have to thank you for that.”
“Well,” Gackt scratched the back of his head, “I won’t take full credit on that.”
Huh? His remark piques my interest.
Before I could enquire further, Yue interrupt, “It was Luka and Rin-chan! They were amazing! I couldn’t move when the blonde girl cut Gackt’s arm with her hair! You know how traumatized I am with blood, Nii-san. I thought I was done for when Luka-san showed up and fend off all three of them using a giant sized tuna!”
Wait, what? A tuna?
“Weird right, where did that you got that tuna anyway, Luka-san?” asked Yue.
“I found it,” answered Luka, short.
Found it? Here?!  Unlikely.
“My dream girl awesomeness aside, Rin-chan was also amazing back then. She moved in an amazing speed, backing up Luka while protecting us. If it wasn’t for these two, we would have been severely injured.”
“Errr, well, it was nothing,” said Rin in a dry voice.
I was expecting Luka to say something harsh to Gackt like ‘You are a wuss’ or ‘Pussy’ but surprisingly she continued patching up Gackt and remained silent. Miku, who usually cherry and merry, was standing not far from us, holding her right arm while her face faced down on the floor.
Something is wrong. It seems like they are hiding something.
“Anyhow,” Yue said as she closed the first aid box, “like Gackt-san said, today is really some night. I still can’t believe myself of what just happened. It’s totally way out this world.”
“That’s because they ARE out of this world.”
Our attentions were all then focused to the sudden interruption by the young priestess from earlier. She introduced herself as Himemiya Nagi, a miko in training from an onmyouji clan that supposedly have been watching over Tokyo from supernatural disaster since Edo period.  Before I could ask more, her phone suddenly rang,with an annoying rintones as well, and she quickly disappears as she took the call.
To be honest I still didn’t buy the miko and supernatural stories, I mean, what kind of miko would be using a mobile phone? And an expensive and latest one too.  Her sudden appearances now make me more puzzled than our early meetings.
Realizing our looks for answer, she spoke, “I mean those four from earlier are not even human,” she paused before pointing towards Miku, Luka and Rin, “just the same as these three.”
“Eeeep!” the girl squealed and retreated a few steps as I lunge toward her. Ignoring her reaction, I continued closing in until my eyes met hers.
“Err, mister?” her voice is shaky with fear, “I w-would appreciate it if you don’t y-yell at me…..and please don’t look at me like that either.”
“I don’t care even if you are about to shit your panty! Explain yourself for spouting that nonsense!”
She look as she is about to burst into tears, and normally I will give in to such expression. But not this time. After the bizarre thing I have witnessed and been through, I wouldn’t stop until I hear a good explanation.
“Awa-wawa,” she about to broke when again, her phone rang with that annoying ringtones; she paused before asking, “erm, do you mind if I took this call? Thank you. Hello?”
What the?! Oh, that’s it! This little bitch is dead!
Before I could unleash my fury on the girl, she held out her phone toward us, “My m-master wants to speak to you. All of you,” she said as she pushed the loudspeaker button.
An arrogant voice of a youngster greet us, “My subordinate has brief me of the situation. I am sure all of you are quite confused and baffled of the events you have been through.”
This voice. Its sound kinda familiar.
“But I did warn you of the misfortune which will fall on you if my advice was not followed.”
“Its you! That otaku brat from earlier!”
“That’s rude,” he let a few coughs, “I have a name, its Katsuragi Seimei. Be sure to remember that.” Oho, and why should I even bother doing that?
“Now, back to matter at hands,” Seimei continued, “I would like all of you except the three Vocaloid girls, to return to your home and forget what happened. Let us, the experts handle this. That is all.”
“Hey, wait a minute!”
I can’t accept this!
“What make you think you can just barge in and ordered us around?!” I yelled at the phone, causing the scared miko to retreat a few step back.
“I ‘m saying this for your own good,” Seimei pressed on, “these three girls are potentially dangerous to mankind. They have to be dealt with instantly.”
“Oi!” Gackt who was silent earlier interrupt, “you better have a good explanation after insulting my dream girl and her friends.”
Yue too join the party, “That’s right! I wouldn’t forgive anyone who badmouths Rin-chan without a good reason!”
The phone is silent for a few moments until Seime spoke again, “I understand. It wouldn’t be right to keep all of you in the dark. I will try to be brief about it. First..”
“Ermm, master?” The miko suddenly interrupt and once again everyone attention change to her.
“W-will your explanation be a long one? My hand is a little bit tired, b-but its nothing I can handle,” said the miko with a shaky voice.
“Sigh.It can’t be helped. Place the phone on something flat then.”
“Something flat?” said Nagi as she looks around, “u-understood, master.”
Nagi walked toward Rin and casually placed the phone on Rin’ chest. What the hell?!
“Errm, master? The phone won’t stick,” Nagi said as she continued pressing the phone on Rin’s chest.
Airhead! This one girl is an airhead!
“B-b-BITCH! What the fuck are you doing?!!!”
And something else snap. I could see Rin’ eyes are boiling with fury. All of us then quickly move to stop Rin from sending the scared Nagi to heaven, place where most airhead went. Somehow, this miko has a way to neutralize the tension in the atmosphere, doesn’t she?
“I must ask you to forgive my subordinate’s incompetence,” said Seimei as we circled around the phone which is now placed on a chair, and not on some poor flat-chested girl. Ah, why Rin giving me a killing glare? Did she just read my mind just now?
“Well, a subordinate’s mistake is the sign of the master’ weakness, is it not?”
“Anyway,”ignoring my insult, Seimei continued, “for starters, has any of you heard of the term shikigami?”
Shiki? Gami? What is that? Some kind of occult or otaku stuff? Sorry, but I am too busy thinking how to live through my daily life each day with my miniscule salary to bother with it.
“Shikigami,” Gackt interrupt, “are spirits or demons that are summoned by omyouji to do their bidding. Basically, they are like assistant or servant of an omnyouji.  They are also similar to Western witches’s familiar.”
Wow, someone is really into this kind of stuff, doesn’t he?
Realizing how odd the situation he put himself into, Gackt frantically try to explain, “W-well, you know I was once in a band, right? One of my band mate is really into occult stuff that he can’t stop talking about it. S-so that its, alright?”
There, there, Gackt-san. Trying to explain yourself more will make you more pathetic, so stop it, kay?
“Well, it’s true that us, onmyouji can summon shikigami at will, but the summoning take a lot of our energy and they can only appear for limited amount of time. Thus, it’s like a double edge sword technique. However, one onmyouji has tried to create a perfect artificial shikigami by experimenting with soul.”
“Soul?! Like a human soul?!” This is serious.
“Technically, it’s more like a form energy emitting from human when they were emotionally excited. The energy collected from soul is quite powerful, however it is unstable as it is dangerous. Yet, one of us is foolish enough to mess around with it,” Seimei paused before directing me with a question, “Akihiko-san, do you recall? An event that occurred tonight where lots of souls gathers?”
“Huh? Even if you ask me that…wait, you don’t mean?” It can’t be.
“That’s right,” Seimei exclaimed through the phone, “The 39’s Giving Day concert! Lot of the virtual idol fans gathered and all of them released quite an amount of soul energy. The experiment was a success. Four artificial shikigami, that can materialized at will and replenish themselves like human being were created specifically using the soul collected. Three of those shikigami stand before you now.”
I turned to Miku, looking for denial from her. Miku only look away, with her bangs covered her face. Luka and Rin also tried to avoid my questioning eye.
“Unfortunately, an accident took place and that when the trouble started,” said Seimei. His voice sounds grim.
“An accident?”
“I said it before didn’t I? Energy from soul is unstable due to impurities,” he paused for a moment, a tone of disgust exist in his voice, “jealously, hatred, and all kind of negative feelings exist within human soul.  Those are the very ingredient of evil spirits. Needless to say, imperfect shikigami were accidentally created in the process and they become evil spirits. All of you have witnessed how dangerous they can be.”
“Lie!” Miku suddenly yelled with tears in her eyes, “Teto-ba and the rest…they are not evil!”
“It’s the truth,” said Seimei calmly, “unlike the three of you, they need to possess human body in order to materialize. And even with that, they need to continue feeding on soul to exist. That’s the reason they even appear here. To reap soul.”
“No…that is..”
“What an amazing story you told us. Its quite unbelievable, don’t you think?” I said.
“Hmph! Its up to you to believe it or not. But you know better than to deny the fact, right Akihiko-san?”grunted Seimei.
He got me. Everything that have happened up until now, I could not explain them via logic. Arghhh, my head are really a mess right now!
“So,” I gave up, “what you want us to do?”
Eventhough he is not here, I can pictured a smile curved on Seime face, “I told you already. Go home. Leave these matters to us.”
I started to considering his suggestion. What am I really doing here anyway? This matter really is out of my hand. Forget my own safety, what about Yue? The old man will kill me if anything bad happen to his daughter.  I am pretty tired as well after what have happened as well. Yeah, going home and forgetting everything doesn’t really sound bad at all.
“I don’t want to.”
It was Yue. Her hand is holding Rin’s tightly, as never to let go.
“Listen, Rin-chan” said Yue to the puzzled Rin, “I don’t care if you are a shikigami, ghost or a demon, but I made a promise to help you serach for your twin brother. And I would never broke a promise made with a friend.”
“I am with Yue in this,” said Gackt while pulling Luka into his embrace, “I don’t care if she is not a human. I will never let my dream girl go with just this.”
“W-what are you saying? Hands off,” Luka pushed Gackt away. Her face flushed with embarassement, but there is also a sign of happiness in her eyes.
What are you two doing? Gackt aside, don’t you realize how dangerous the situation is?
“This is why I hate dealing with the real. They are irrational,” said Seimei in disgust, “what about you Akihiko-san, I believe you will make the right decision here.”
He’s right. This is way to much for us to be messing around with. I should take Yue home quickly and leave this matter to the expert.
“Aki-kun,” Miku approached me, looking sorry as ever, “I’m really sorry to drag you into this. I understand if you want to leave. Again, I-I’m sorry.”
I looked at Miku, from head to toe. If I had not known, she passed as any other normal girl despite her appearances. A girl who earnestly tried to share her song to people, even in the cold of night. A girl who kept on trying even if she rejected countless time. And this girl also the main cause I am in this crazy night, one encounter after another.
“You’re sorry?! Don’t joke around!” Miku continued to stare down as I let out my unsatisfaction.
“After all you have put me through, you expect me to forgive you? I am not that kind you know. Its common sense that I would leave!”
“Nii-san, that’s a bit..”
“But, I made you a promise,” Miku look at me, puzzled and surprised, “and a man would not broke his promise. So, I guess I will see through this till I get you a stage.”
Beside, Yue is pretty determined to follow you guys. I have to make sure she stay safe.
“Aki-kun….,” Miku tried her hard not to cry, “thank you.”
“I cant waste my time with this,” Seimei let out an angry sigh through the phone, “hey Nagi!”
“Y-yes, Seimei-sama!?” answered Nagi hurriedly as she reached out for the phone.
“You handle this. I got more important stuff to handle right now.”
“H-handle it? But master..?” And the line cut off, leaving Nagi the miko, clueless of what to do.
That’s it. I decided to stay with them, to kept my promise and Yue safe. Somehow, I get the feeling things are going to get even crazier from this point. Well, whatever happen, I pray that I would still be breathing tomorrow though.
So there you go! Hope you enjoy this long chapter. Please bear with me until the end of the Fallen Divas arc. See you next time.
AKIHIKO : Today, its my turn to host this section. So first of all, I would like to introduce you to our two new comrades, Himemiya Nagi and her  master,  Katsuragi Seimei.
NAGI : N-nice to meet you all.
SEIMEI          : Can we wrap up this quick? I need to finish some game later and attend a meeting with my comrades at Akihabara.
AKIHIKO : Ahaha (Tch, another troublesome bunch). First, let us get to know you two better. Seimei-san? Your character is based on the famous Abe no Seimei right?
SEIMEI           : Wouldnt it be better if you ask the author himself? Hmph! Actually, my character is based on the main lead in TWGOK series by wakaki Tamiki sensei. Being an onmyouji is just a sub of it, to follow the story.
AKIHIKO        : Ahaha, is that so? Well, let move on to Nagi-san. You are pictured as an airhead, didnt you?
NAGI                 : I am not an airhead! I can be serious and think when I need to.
AKIHIKO        : Is that so?
NAGI                 : Thats right. You know, during the phone placing event? I am seriously considering between Miku-san and Rin-san chest because they look the same.
MIKU                : *appear with twin huge negi* hoooo, is that so?
Crap! Oh! I give up! This is messed up. I am out of here.

About Luka 2nd birthday

By : heavenly A'rc
Its a little late but still its better late than never, rite? Anyway yesterday of 30th January 2011, its Luka 2nd birthday! Its been two years since her last debut on Vocaloid World. Voice bank by seiyuu Yu Asakawa and mature design by KEI, Luka has captured the hearts of many fans and developers alike! Her strong point beside her character design is the fact that her dual voice bank that capable to sing in English. For example, an English song(not Engrish ^v^) called Circus Monster by matt9five of Youtube or also known as Doofus P hs made it to VocaRan 170 in 14th place!
2010 has been quite a year for Luka, Appearing as guest in 39’s Giving Day Concert, 3 new figma( I am getting one^v^), and not to mention the controversial plagiarism of DYE song by the composer of KAT-TUN! We all love her despite her appearances by fans as tsundere sadistic big sister >v<, and her rise to stardom owe a lot to all those talented composers and also us as a fans!
Her character item is between a huge Tuna and the 2nd character to have a chibi version of it (Hatchune Miku for Miku) called Tako-luka.  Without further ado, lets celebrate her birthday by listening to her various songs! The first pic is drawn by Platina Jolteon of deviantart.

a little info about this vocaloid

By : heavenly A'rc
There’s so little info about this vocaloid, so I tried to search it and conducting investigation myself, and here’s my conclusion.
many may have known that VY1/MIZKI is the new vocaloid form [YAMAHA] but what is his/her true nature ? from what I known from the demo is this Vocaloid can do Miku, GUMI, and LILY voice all at once, will this means that this not actually a new voice banks but several voice banks in one package ? I doubt it ! the most probable case is VY1 is the new engine for Vocaloid, as we know the current vocaloid is using the engine of Vocaloid2 which has prove itself to be very popular, I have heard that YAMAHA is actually working in Vocaloid3, last time I heard about this project existence is at dec 2009 and after that *poof* the project seems to have either submerged or got canceled, well I do not believe that it got canceled, so it will probably still running under different codename, different code name ? did I mean that VY1 is Vocaloid3 ? not it not necessary like that, but it’s possible…
from what I’ve gather it’s true that VY1 are superior compared to other vocaloid synthesizer software, it originally designed with no gender because it was aimed at professional musicians, and can complete any type of song (now… that description sounds really similar with Vocaloid3 project), but YAMAHA itself has yet to admit this fact, so VY1 is probably a prototype, an arch type for Vocaloid3, just like how the first Vocaloid is the prototype for the Vocaloid2.
one other interesting thing that YAMAHA confirm is that this Vocaloid will have no avatar, so it wont be affected by the avatar persona and gender, it seems to be a good move, but the history of Vocaloid has proven otherwise, in fact avatar was something that give Vocaloid so much popularity these days (the very same reason why Leon and Lola are not as popular as Kaito and Meiko), but that was a case in the past, it was when vocaloid has 0 trust and 0 popularity, I think vocaloid is widely known now and the move YAMAHA made are brilliant ones. and here it where the fun comes, sure it have no avatars, but what will stop the Vocaloid Fan-base from making one ? in fact here’s some fan-made avatar of MIZKI

well…. so much for “no gender”…, it seems that the fan minds is dead-set on “this Vocaloid is female”…. whose fault is that all the demo song is voiced by Female Voice…. and talking about demo here is it :

Vocaloid Figures Anime Toys

By : heavenly A'rc

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