Archive for September 2014

Rin Magical

By : heavenly A'rc
Rin Kagamine (鏡音 リン)
Age: 14
Height: 152 cm (5'0") 
Weight: 43 kg (94.79 lbs) 
Optimum genre: electro-pop, rock, pop - enka 
Optimum range: F3 - C5 
Character items: road-roller, orange, yellow onion 

Aged 14, Kagamine Rin is twins with her brother, Kagamine Len.

As a character from the second installment of Crypton's Vocaloid Character Voice Series, she is voiced by Asami Shimoda.

Released on December 27, 2007, Kagamine Rin/Len is the second installment of the Vocaloid2 Character Vocal Series. Their family name was chosen by combining "kagami" (鏡, mirror), "ne" (音, sound), with the first syllables of their given names a pun on "left" and "right". They can be portrayed either as twins or reflections depending on the person viewing them or the song(it is not officially stated). According to Vocaloid's official blog, the package includes two voice banks: one for Rin and another for Len, both provided by the voice actor Asami Shimoda. Despite the double voice banks, the package still sells at the same price as Hatsune Miku. Their only cameo appearance in an anime is in (Zoku) Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei, where the two and Miku (and various other people and characters) try out to be the voice of Meru Otonashi.

Alternative names/personalities:
Aku no Musume: Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche (リリアン・ルシフェン・ドートウリシュ) / Daughter of Evil (悪ノ娘)
Akujiki Musume Conchita: Arte (アルテ)
Kokoro: Nigoki (ニ号機)
Shuujin to Kamihikouki: Ruri Peldent (ルリ・ペルデント)
Venomania-kou no Kyouki: Rindo Blume

Len Area

By : heavenly A'rc
Len Kagamine (鏡音レン)
Other Names: 櫻桃 (Chinese)
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Height: 156 cm (5'1.4")
Weight: 47 kg (103 lbs)
Favorite Genre: pop dance and rock / pop-pop songs - enka
Good range: F3 - C5
Character Items: Road-roller, banana

Aged 14, Len is twins with his sister, Kagamine Rin. They can be protrayed either as twins or reflections of a mirror depending on the person viewing them or the song (it is not officially stated). 
As a character from the second installment of Crypton's Vocaloid Character Voice Series, he is voiced by Asami Shimoda.

Released on December 27, 2007, Kagamine Rin/Len is the second installment of the Vocaloid2 Character Vocal Series. Their family name was chosen by combining "kagami" (鏡, mirror), "ne" (音, sound), with the first syllables of their given names a pun on "left" and "right". According to Vocaloid's official blog, the package includes two voice banks: one for Rin and another for Len, both provided by the voice actor Asami Shimoda. Despite the double voice banks, the package still sells at the same price as Hatsune Miku. Their only cameo appearance in an anime is in (Zoku) Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei, where the two and Miku (and various other people and characters) try out to be the voice of Meru Otonashi.

Alternative names/personalities:
Aku no Musume: Allen Avadonia (アレン=アヴアドニア) / Servant of Evil (悪ノ召使)
Akujiki Musume Conchita: Pollo (ポロ)
Kokoro: Otsu (乙)
Shuujin to Kamihikouki: Number 420 (420番)


Kaito Rune

By : heavenly A'rc
. Vocaloid KAITO

SALAH SATU VOCALOID YANG PALING BANYAK TURUNANNYA adalah KAITO. Yang akan dibahas cuma 2, KAITO ama Kaiko aja (kebanyakan kalo semua turunannya dijelasin). Kalau mau jelas, lihat aja disini,dan ada juga data tentang turunannya Miku yang sama-sama BANYAK.

KAITO adalah Vocaloid kedua setelah MEIKO. Sama halnya dengan MEIKO, namanya ditulis dengan huruf kapital. Aku sih, ga begitu suka suaranya, tapi seneng nonton videonya. Kenapa? Karena KAITO adalah Vocaloid yang SELALU sial sehingga selalu bikin ketawa. KAITO adalah pecinta eskrim paling gila yang pernah ada (maklum karakter itemnya pun es krim). Banyak lagu yg menceritakan tentang kecintaannya pada es krim, yang kupunya saja ada "ICE! (parodinya SPICE!)", "Ice Cream", "Ice Cream, Come", dan "AISU ga Meruto (My Ice Cream is Melting), parodinya Melt". Oh ya, satu hal lagi, KAITO juga vocaloid yang paling sering (dijadiin objek buat) melesetin lagu orang lain, kayak “AISU ga Meruto” sama “ICE!”.

Diceritakan dalam lagu "KAITO ga Uninstall" KAITO merasa bosan dengan kehidupannya yang "diduakan" semenjak adanya adik-adiknya (Vocaloid 2). KAITO merasa kesal karena masternya (yang membuat Vocaloid) tidak hanya menyayanginya, namun juga adik-adiknya. KAITO yang selalu sial marah dan "membunuh" semua saudaranya (karena pada dasarnya Vocaloid adalah software maka bukan membunuh tapi meng-uninstall).

Yah, lupakan lagu itu. Kembali ke biodata KAITO. Suara dasar KAITO adalah Naoto Fuuga (bagi yg ga tau dia adalah penyanyi lagu openingnya power ranger). Duet KAITO dan Naoto Fuuga bisa didengarkan pada lagu "Grandfather's Clock". KAITO juga diceritakan sebagai seorang "Pangeran" yang disukai hampir semua Vocaloid wanita. Yah, wajahnya memang keren sih. Nama belakang KAITO ga ada, tapi kadang disebut sebagai "Shion Kaito". Gambar diatas adalah "box art" nya.

Versi Chibinya.

Seperti yang diceritakan sebelumnya, karena turunannya banyak banget, kita bahas yang paling terkenal aja, Kaiko!

Kaiko sama seperti Meito, versi ceweknya KAITO. Sama seperti Meito juga, dia kadang menggunakan nama "Shion". Dan sama seperti Meito juga, aku ga punya banyak datanya ==''a

Luka Inside

By : heavenly A'rc

Luka Megurine (巡音 ルカ)

Age: 20
Height: 162 cm (5'4")
Weight: 45 kg (99 lbs)
Preferred Genres: Latin jazz to ethno-pop/house to electronica dance
Preferred Tempos: 65 - 145 BPM
Preferred Singing Range: D3 - D5
Character Item: Frozen Tuna

Luka Megurine is the third Vocaloid2 in Crypton's character series. Her character details were released on the 5th of January 2009. She will be in stores January the 30th, 2009. According to the details on Crypton's website, her profile is as follows:

The name "Megurine" can be read in Japanese as the "sound that travels (the whole wide world)," and the name Luka invokes the homonymous Japanese words of "nagare" (flowing) and "ka" (song) or "kaori" (scent).

Yuu Asakawa provides Luka's 'cool, yet husky feminine voice'. 

Unlike its previous two characters, Crypton advertised Luka's 3GB vocal database as "Japanese/English bilingual" and chose her name to express its hope that she will transcend borders and cultural barriers. Luka was designed by the Japanese illustrator Kei, who had previously created the designs for Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Rin and Len. However, unlike previous mascots in the series, her costume is not based on a school uniform.

Only a few days after her release, many songs were produced. On the 70th Weekly Vocaloid Ranking (February 2, 2009), many of Luka's songs appeared in the Top 30, knocking the very popular "Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru" and songs produced by ryo (with the exception of "Melt") right out of the Top 30. "RIP=RELEASE" had taken the #1 spot, and had earned a total of 843,233 points, making it the song with the highest one-week score.

Due to her bilingual coding, her "moody yet husky female voice" carries over into both languages and was designed to handle moodier genres like Jazz. Overall, Luka serves to bridge the gap between both languages and has proven to be her appeal as a vocaloid. She serves as an ideal vocaloid for English speaking users planning to use Japanese vocaloids and vice versa for users who are not so used to speaking English and planning on using English Vocaloids. Since she speaks both languages, Luka is able to partner with both Japanese and English vocaloids respectfully.
When installing Luka, it is important to pay attention to the release dates of Vocaloids you plan to install after her. Older and newer versions of the Vocaloid 2 software engine can occasionally cause conflicts. Luka has both language engines, so she can cause conflicts between Vocaloids of either language. A user can fix this problem if it occurs simply by installing the Vocaloids in release date order, Luka is noted to be the most likely Vocaloid to produce this conflict.

Luka's Japanese dictionary is extensive and on par with previous Japanese Vocaloids and there are no known problems with that part of her program. Also, as a Japanese vocaloid, she has all of the phonemes that are often missing from English vocaloids such as the 5 breathing phonemes ([br1]-[br5]). It is reported that she may produce a lisp-like sound on some notes however, she still maintains a more mature tone then previous Crypton Vocaloid 2 era voicebanks.

She has all the English phonemes that English vocaloids have in her voice databank. However, despite the inclusion of English she was not intended for a world wide release, because of this, a number of reported problems are present in her voicebanks. It has been reported that she does not seem to have many distinct vowel related diphongs in her sample library in her English voicebank, making her sound slightly choppy when some phonetics are used together. In other cases, she may not have enough distinction between the phonetic sounds in her samples that she does have to distinguish one pronunciation from another. She also has only the main/common words in her dictionary, so users not used to more complicated English words may have some difficulty when they come across them, however, an extra data library of English words for her English dictionary is available. 

Her voicebank may be considered "sub-standard" to other English capable Vocaloids and her overall results will depend on the user. She is not unusable and still can be used for most English songs. There are also no major report glitches with her voicebank as other English capable Vocaloids and her sample quality is considered good despite her flaws. As a bilingual Vocaloid, she has superior capability of the English language than the Japanese only vocaloids. If need be, less than confident users can use an another English capable vocaloid to aid in fixing her dictionary flaws or help to harmonize her results so she appears smoother.

Alternative Names/Personalities:
Aku no Musume and Akujiki Musume Conchita: Elluka Clockworker (エルルカ=クロックワーカー) / Sorceress (魔道師)
Shuujin to Kamihikouki: Miluka Keyside (ミル力・キーサィド)
Venomania-kou no Kyouki: Lukana Octo (ルクーナ=オクト)


project diva tips

By : heavenly A'rc

I've noticed a lot of people online having trouble playing Project Diva F so I decided to make this thread so people can share tips and tricks to help people improve in this game. If you have any tips and tricks you would like to share please post them down.

-If you are new use Tutorial mode. Since the arrow keys, star keys, chance time & technical zones can confuse a newcomer. (Besides it comes with a trophy)

-I recommend installing the game since it will decrease load times by a lot. You can do this in the options menu. If you have the digital version you don't have to worry about this seeing as the option isn't there and isn't needed.

-If your TV has game mode use it as it will fix the lag problem. If you don't you will have to calibrate it in
options menu.

-Try using headphones when playing. With headphones it's easier to hear the rhythm which will help you achieve a better rank.

-Try alternating between the D-pad and face buttons when playing it's easier on your hands and it will help you get through those fast sections.

-If your grinding for DIVA points try using a challenge item. With challenge items the game will be a bit harder but you can earn more DIVA points.

-You can take a screenshot for pretty much anything in the game by pressing the PS button on the controller, going to photos, and choose save screenshot.

-If you like the loading art in the game and want to use it as a static image for your PS XMB background just buy the art book in the Diva Shop and use it in the Diva room under gadgets. Look for the image you want and use the screenshot function.

project diva cheat

By : heavenly A'rc

Unlock Swimsuit Modules/CostumesAdded 21 Jul 2009, ID #2965
These become available when you completet the corresponding task.

Unlock Hatsune Miku Swimwear:
Use the default Hatsune Miku and beat ALL the Miku Version songs in Normal/Hard mode with a ranking of 'Great' or better. 

Unlock Hatsune Miku Swimwear (Alternative Way):
Using the Default Hatsune Miku beat ALL the songs 5 times with a 'Standard' rank on either Normal or Hard mode. 

Unlock Hatsune Miku Swimwear S (School Version):
Use Hatsune Miku Swimwear and beat the songs: 'The Secret Garden' and 'Dear Cocoa Girls'. 

Unlock Kaito's Swimsuit:
Use Kaito and beat ALL the Miku Version songs in Normal/Hard mode with a ranking of 'Great' or better. 

Unlock Kaito's Swimsuit (Alternative Way):
Using Kaito beat ALL the songs 5 times with a 'Standard' rank on either Normal or Hard mode. 

Unlock Len's Swimsuit:
Use Len and beat ALL the Miku Version songs in Normal/Hard Mode with a ranking of 'Great' or better.

Unlock Len's Swimsuit (Alternative Way):
Using Len beat ALL the songs 5 times with a 'Standard' Rank on either Normal or Hard mode. 

Unlock Luka's Swimsuit:
Use Luka and beat ALL the Miku Version songs in Normal/Hard Mode with a ranking of 'Great' or better. 

Unlock Luka's Swimsuit (Alternative Way):
Using Luka beat ALL the songs 5 times with a 'Standard' rank on either 'Normal' or 'Hard' mode.

Unlock Meiko's Swimsuit:
Use Meiko and beat ALL the Miku Version songs in Normal/Hard mode with a ranking of 'Great' or better. 

Unlock Meiko's Swimsuit (Alternative Way):
Using Meiko beat ALL the songs 5 times with a 'Standard' rank on either Normal or Hard mode. 

Unlock Rin's Swimsuit:
Use Rin and beat ALL the Miku Version songs in Normal/Hard mode with a Ranking of 'Great' or better. 

Unlock Rin's Swimsuit (Alternative Way):
Using Rin beat ALL the songs 5 times with a 'Standard' rank on either Normal or Hard mode.
Take Snapshot During PVAdded 21 Jul 2009, ID #2964
If you want to take a snapshot to capture a moment during a PV simply press R.
Unlock CostumesAdded 10 Jul 2009, ID #2940
The following costumes will become available options when you comlplete the corresponding task on the indicated mode.

Unlock Dancer:
Complete 'Far Away' with a Standard on Normal mode and clear it 5 times.

Unlock Heart Hunter:
Complete 'World is Mine' with a Standard on Normal mode and clear it 5 times. 

Unlock Meiko:
Complete 'Anata no Uta Hime' with a Standard on Normal and clear it 5 times. 

Unlock Plug-in:
Complete 'Star Story' with a Great on Normal mode and clear it 5 times.

Unlock VN02:
Complete 'Moon' with a Standard on Normal mode and clear it 5 times. 

Unlock Alicia (Gallia Army Platoon 7):
Complete 'Arano to Mori to Mahou no Uta' with a Standard on Normal mode and clear it 5 times 

Complete 'Last Night, Good Night' with a Great on Normal mode and achieve a max combo of 80 on the same song 

Unlock Megurine Luka:
Complete 'Ievan Polkka' with a Standard on Normal mode and achieve a max combo of 100 on the same song.

Unlock Len:
Complete 'Arano to Mori to Mahou no Uta' (Len ver.) with a Standard on Normal mode and achieve a max combo of 100 on the same song. 

Unlock Pirate:
Complete 'Hato' with a Standard on Normal mode and achieve a max combo of 110 on the same song.

Unlock Magician:
Complete 'Miracle Paint' with a Standard on Normal and achieve a max combo of 120 on the same song.

Unlock Yowane Haku:
Complete 'Electric Angel' with a Standard on Normal mode and achieve a max combo of 120 on the same song. 

Unlock Pajamas:
Complete 'Marginal' with a Great on Normal mode and achieve a max combo of 130 on the same song. 

Unlock Rin:
Complete 'Arano to Mori to Mahou no Uta' (Rin ver.) with a Standard on Normal mode and achieve a max combo of 100 on the same song. 

Unlock White Dress:
Complete 'Melt' with a Standard on Hard mode and achieve a minimum score of 300,000 on the same song. 
Unlock P-Style CostumesAdded 9 Jul 2009, ID #2934
Get the following ranks on the indicated difficulty setting to unlock the corresponding P-Style costume.

P-Style CW White:
Get 'Great' on 'Normal' difficulty on ALL Light Blue songs 

P-Style FB Blue:
Get 'Great' on 'Normal' difficulty on ALL Blue songs 

P-Style LP Purple:
Get 'Great' on 'Normal' difficulty on ALL Orange songs 

P-Style MG Teal:
Get 'Great' on 'Normal' difficulty on ALL Yellow songs 

P-Style PB Black:
Get 'Great' on 'Normal' difficulty on ALL White songs 

P-Style RP Pink:
Get 'Great' on 'Normal' difficulty on ALL Pink songs 

P-Style IS Full White:
Get 'Great' on 'Normal' difficulty on ALL songs 

P-Style CG Gold:
Get 'Great' on 'Hard' difficulty on ALL songs 
Unlock Song PV'sAdded 7 Jul 2009, ID #2927
These become available options when you complete a song with a 'Great' or higher ranking.

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